On April 15-19, 2024, in FH JOANNEUM University in Graz, Austria, under the Erasmus+ BERNICA (Education and Research Capacity Development in Nutrition and Dietetics in Central Asian Countries) project holded.

            The training started from April 15th to the 19th. In the training has participatied Tashkent Medical Academy and Bukhara Medical Institute from the Republic of Uzbekistan of Central Asia, International Medical School and Osh State University from the Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan National University and Karaganda Medical Institute from the Republic of Tajikistan, from the Republic of Tajikistan Specialists of Khatlon Medical University participated.


       On April 15, on the first day of the visit, professor of FH JOANNEUM University, president of the Austrian Sports Nutrition Society, Dr.Manuela Konrad and the head of the university Dr.Elisabeth Pail spoke and introduced the history of the University of Graz and the work done in nutritionology.

Then Dr.Anastasia Sfiri spoke and introduced the 3-day lesson plan.


      It was taught by Dr. Anastasia Sfiri on the basis of the practice they use for online classes in the Moodle system. In addition, small groups of BERNICA presented short information about their work in the form of a presentation. The representative of each group gave a speech and gave information about group members, educational materials and videos in the Moodle system. On this day, the lecture halls, laboratories and library of FH JOANNEUM University were introduced.


     On the 4th day of the visit, the 2nd educational base of FH JOANNEUM University was visited.


     The ERASMUS+ BERNICA project is an international grant aimed at developing nutrition and dietetics in Central Asian countries. The participation of Central Asian countries in such large-scale projects not only increases the prestige of the university, but also serves to develop cooperation in the field of nutrition and dietetics. In the future, the created Moodle programs will be included in the curriculum of bachelor's, master's, and family doctors, and will contribute to the proper and effective nutrition of the target groups of the population of Central Asia.


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